4 Tips for Writing a LinkedIn Profile


July 8, 2022

4 Tips for Writing a LinkedIn Profile

A person opening the LinkedIn app on their phone.

Pretty much everyone is familiar with LinkedIn. This unique platform is more than just another form of social media — it’s a place where you can show your professional side and stand out to potential employers and coworkers. Regardless of what industry you work in, it’s vital that you build your personal brand, and LinkedIn is the perfect place to do just that. With that in mind, not everyone is skilled in promoting themselves, which is why, in today’s post, we will provide you with a few tips for creating your LinkedIn profile. Continue reading below and reach out to our experts at Webuild Resumes to get even more great advice and explore our resume writing services!



A headshot of woman in glasses.



Add a Profile and Background Photo

When potential employers come to your profile, they want to know what you look like. Adding a profile photo is essential for building trust and making sure that the person viewing your profile knows that they are dealing with a real person. Furthermore, it’s also beneficial to add a background photo. This will give your profile some extra personality and make it more likely to stand out in search results. Similarly, if your career is specific to a certain industry, it is smart to include a profile and background photo that is reflective of your career history. Contact WeBuild for all the best tips on how to pick the best LinkedIn photos!



A woman working at a computer with a headset on the corner of the monitor.



Make Your Headline More Than a Job Title

Your headline is one of the first things that people will see when they come to your profile, which is why it’s important to make it more than just your job title. A great headline will grab attention and make people want to learn more about you and what you do. Be sure to structure your headline around the specific industry you are looking to be hired in. For example, for the Environmental Industry. be sure to choose a headline that highlights your experience, accolades, and desired career goals within the industry. At WeBuild, we specialize in helping build great LinkedIn profiles for the Construction, Engineering, and Environmental Industries.



Hands typing on a laptop keyboard.



List Your Relevant Skills

Your skills play a huge role in determining whether or not you are a good fit for the job. Luckily, LinkedIn provides you with the perfect opportunity to list all of the skills that you have acquired over the years. Not only should you include hard skills, but you should also focus on soft skills, such as “team player” or “communication.” Skills that are relevant to your industry should be listed first, followed by any other skills that you think would be beneficial and pertinent to the industry you are looking to be hired in. For example, for Engineering, it is important to note skills such as designing structures and systems whether it is for Aerospace, Agriculture, Electrical, or Civil Engineering.



Two people working on a resume on a tablet.



Take a Skills Assessment

One great way to show potential employers that you have the skills that they are looking for, aside from listing them on your profile, is to take a skills assessment. LinkedIn offers a variety of different assessments that can help you demonstrate your abilities and stand out from the competition. These assessments are quick and easy to take, and they can really make a difference when employers are searching for candidates. For specific industries, they look at these assessments to be able to gauge how you would perform in that role or within the structure of the company in terms of aligning with their company mission and goals.



Webuild Resumes is the leading resume writing service for construction, engineering, and environmental professionals. We offer resume writing services, resume writing tips, and advice on how to write a resume that will get you noticed. Explore our website to get started with finding your dream job today!



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